Whittle-le-Woods CofE Primary School


School Premiums – Pupil / Sports / SEN

Please find below a list of our school premiums including, pupil premiums, sports premiums and SEN core offers.

Pupil Premiums

Click on the link to see how we are spending our Pupil Premium and Recovery/Catch-up Premium

Pupil_premium and catch-up statement_2021-22

Click on the link below to see our  Strategy document 2023

Below is information about how we used our Pupil Premium Grant in narrative form.

Indicative amount of Pupil Premium for Academic Year   £10,520

Main barriers faced by disadvantaged pupils 

  • Need for a sensory curriculum and sensory breaks to ensure effective learning time
  • Need for precision teaching
  • Educational Psychologist support and advice regarding positive behavioural and engagement strategies
  • Need for nurture groups to ensure a positive start to the school day, Lego Therapy, counselling and mentors to encourage pupils
  • Need for additional teaching assistant time to support learning
  • School Inclusion Manager and Educational Psychologist required to assess pupils to gain an understanding of their barriers to learning supporting staff in ensuring most effective teaching and learning strategies.

Pupils who are not eligible for Pupils Premium grant are also allowed to join the nurture groups that we provide as we feel that this is utilised on a needs basis and is regularly reviewed.

Our Educational Psychologist is also used for advice regarding non-pupil premium grant pupils and additional Education Psychologist time is bought in for other SEN pupils as required. No child would be excluded from access to this provision on the ground of social background.

Pupil Premium Statement 2023

School Finance Information

No employee at this school earns over £100,000

SEN Core Offer

Please see our full Special Educational Needs section in the drop down that you have just used

Sports Premiums
